Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Future of Information Operations

As we begin to look at the sun set on military efforts in South Asia and the Middle East, the question of what comes next arises. For the Information Operations community, the Regional Commands have already transitioned to self support, with limited outside help from the Services. The former Joint support capability is not as necessary for the day to day operations as was in the past. There was a time limit on this capability and its time is short.

Does that mean there is no need for a Joint capability? The answer is NO. It is time for the Joint capability to mature and evolve. It must shed its apron strings to the operational aspect of Information Operations and begin to provide guidance for the future. What is the state of affairs in South Asia after Afghanistan? What is the impact of the Somali insurgents renewing their ties to Al Qaida? Where is Burma going?

These are just a small fraction of questions that must be addressed by Global Commands as well as the Regional Commands. Who is currently doing this? No one. It needs to be done if we are to plan for the future. Information Operations must also be integrated at the Inter-Agency level.

The most logical step would be the creation of a Joint Inter-Agency Planning Center, a think tank with a small footprint that task organizes to address emerging issues.


  1. The Joint Inter-Agency Planning Center... would you consider this the JIOWC, which belongs to STRATCOM?

  2. Yes.

    The JIOWC was first established with a limited life span, until the IO Planner population reached a threshold to fully support the COCOMs. That has been met. No is the time for the JIOWC to evolve to supporting the J5 and its Theater Security Cooperation Plan.
